Sewerage & Electrical Duct Pipe Manufacturer
Omsree is one of the leading Sewerage, Electrical Duct Pipe and Underground duct pipe manufacturers and suppliers in Guwahati, Assam, provides best quality Sewerage, Electrical Duct Pipe and Underground duct pipes at reasonable prices. Contact Today!
Field of Applications:
Sewerage and Waste water network.
For laying of underground electric cables.
Effluent disposal system for Domestic & Industrial sectors.
Conveyance of corrosive fluids, slurry etc.
Mainline/Lateral in Sprinkler systems.
Sub- soil drainage.
High impact strength.
Excellent corrosion resistance.
Chemically inert and unaffected by acidic soil.
Biologically inert to micro-organisms.
Very smooth bore and low friction loss.
High flexibility, enabling long lengths to be coiled.
Inherent resistance to effects of ground movement.
As per IS:14333
Commercial Quality
Product Range:
63 mm to 250 mm diameter and PN 4 to PN 16.
Length of pipes is as per requirement.